Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ok before you ask i'm not crazy read the description?

ok i'm 16 and when i was younger i used to have dreams all the time you know cars, boats, fishing blah blah u know. now i barely have dreams , but when i do weird stuff happens. it seems like a see like little movie clips in my dreams like something that lasts 5 seconds, and the next day it'll happen exactley the way i saw it in my dream. but heres the catch i dont remember the dream until that thing is happening the next day and then i'll be like holy crap i just dreamed that and sometimes it'll be stuff nothing or something big. i bet youre thinking i'm crazy right now , but i swear i'm not. also my parents say i mutter weird things and talk in my sleep but i dont remember dreaming or having nightmares giving me to talk about anything?!?!?! i am usually not stressed out or anything either. here's another weird story , my parents had a little rental house and i was like 8 or something and my mom walked in the room and i was staring at the ceiling apparently. she asked what i was looking at and apparently i said "grandpas in the attic"...........my grandpa was dead.......i have no memory of this event either.......also during the time my sister got extremely ill with a nasty thing in her throat and my dad didnt have a good feeling about the place so apparently we moved out a week later. my sister then got better and everything was normal again. i was wondering anyone know what the heck is up with me?

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